Safeguarding, Media and Race Officers

Gill Camina, Safeguarding Advisor
Gill has a proven track record of working at a senior level in a safeguarding consultancy & training capacity for over a decade at a national and international level of delivering and facilitating effective and challenging change improvements around the safeguarding of children. She has extensive knowledge, skills and experience of assisting organisations to improve their services to children at grassroots level, nationally and internationally in a way that supports quality improvements and benefits for each organisation and key stakeholders.

Delroy Hall, Executive Sponsor for Race
Delroy has served Sheffield United as chaplain since 2017. As well as having been a pastor and senior church leader, he is also a highly qualified and experienced counsellor with over 30 years’ experience in counselling in a variety of settings including universities and the NHS.
In 2013 Delroy was awarded a Doctorate in Pastoral Theology for his work on “Interpersonal conflict in African Caribbean diaspora faith communities”. As part of SCUK’s commitment to the Race at Work Charter he was appointed in 2020 to be Executive Sponsor for Race with a brief to “provide visible leadership on race and ethnicity”