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We have a dream to see an expression of God’s love and compassion practically demonstrated in every community called sport. This community consists of over 160,000 clubs totalling 30 million men, women and children.

As a charity our VISION is to impact the community of Sport positively by:

“Providing and supporting chaplains in every professional and amateur sport in the UK & Ireland”

To help us achieve this, our MISSION we aim:

“To initiate, nurture, support and resource high quality Sports chaplaincy to the community of sport”  and to “equip, challenge, and enable the faith community to engage with their community called sport”.

Sports chaplaincy is now commonplace in many sports, man’s, woman’s, all ability, mixed ability and disability. But there are still thousands of chaplaincy opportunities that need to be filled. We seek to make a difference in this community through working in partnership with sports governing bodies and clubs, and by working with Christian churches, denominations and agencies.

Sports Chaplaincy UK is a Christian charity which aims to provide consistent and high quality chaplaincy through:

  • Training
  • A Professional Sports Chaplain appointment process
  • Continual Professional Development
  • Sport Chaplains support network
  • Sport Chaplains resource library
  • Professional accreditations
For all of the sports chaplains you will read about on this site our priority is NOT winning at all costs, our priority is to serve and help people. The vast majority of a sports chaplains work is confidential, we are not involved because of the kudos, not involved because we are fans, we are not even involved to bible bash or proselytise – but we are involved because we have the compassion of Christ for all of those integral to the sporting industry.

We want to see the 30 million men, women and children engaged in the community of sport to be cared for within a community they love, from a person that they trust. Chaplains invest their time and energy into providing pastoral care. 


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