Spiritual Care
Sports Chaplaincy UK is committed to offering high quality support in the areas of pastoral and spiritual care to its chaplains and the wider community of sport.
Below are a selection of resources for those looking for support in the area of spiritual care.
Our aim is to tell people about Jesus Christ and Christianity. We hope and pray that our website will encourage people to become followers of Jesus – or strengthen their faith if they are already Christians. We believe an active Christian faith can transform and renew a person’s life
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UCB Prayer Line
UCB Prayerline is staffed by wonderful volunteers all across the UK, who up until recently, met in teams, in churches to answer phone calls. You can email to prayerline@ucb.co.uk or call 01782 363000. The UCB Prayerline is not a counselling or advice service but is here to help you bring God into the situations you’re facing. This confidential service is available to you whoever you are and whatever background you come from
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UCB Word of the Day
The Word For Today is a free, daily devotional written by the late pastor Bob Gass and published around the world by United Christian Broadcasters. You can read a segment each day on their website or order a FREE copy to be sent to you home.
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Try Praying
The trypraying booklet is a 7 day prayer guide for those who are not religious.
Get one to carry with you by logging onto their website
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Jesus Film
With translations of the "JESUS" film in more than 1,800 languages and our growing library of movies and short films, you can experience and share the story of the gospel anywhere with anyone
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Great Commission
Great Commission equips you to confidently share your faith, fuelling a passion to make Jesus known. The Evangelical Alliance’s online evangelism hub connects you to a wide range of stories, tools, and initiatives for sharing Jesus.
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Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith. No pressure. No follow up. No charge.
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Crown Jesus Ministries & Mark Greenwood
If your interested in the Christian faith have a watch/read some helpful material on your spiritual journey
Watch Materials
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Christian Vision for Men
CVM exists to serve the local church to engage with men in every village, town and city in this country.
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Good News for Everyone
Good News for Everyone, formally Gideons UK, work together with churches to share the faith and distribute free Bibles around the world.
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Loss & Hope
Loss and HOPE is a coalition of organisations who feel passionately about churches of all denominations across the UK being equipped to support the bereaved.
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Faith RXD
Faith RXD is a gym/CrossFit based ministry working through the local gyms to bring the gospel to a lost and dying world. We operate through chapters in a given locale striving to unite and strengthen the fitness community to live for Christ, share His love and serve the world.
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