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Church Endorsements 

The Revd Lynn Green
General Secretary of the Baptist Union

At an estimated 25 million people, the numbers involved in sport in the UK are staggering. I’d love to see more of us exploring ways of supporting the local sports clubs and gyms in our communities, which is why I’m supporting the ministry of Sports Chaplaincy UK. This month the charity is seeking to call the church up and down the land to think about how it better reflects God to the world of sport, and is challenging us to be more intentional. Let me encourage you to share this video in your church and then pray about what you can do.

Michael Harvey
Chief Executive National Weekend of Invitation.

“As someone whose faith journey was massively influenced by joining a church football team, I want to endorse National Sports Sunday. I know from my own experience that sport can be a place where people meet Jesus Christ.”

Dr Hugh Osgood
Former Free Churches Moderator, Free Church President of Churches Together in England and Founder and Chair of Churches in Community International.

It has been encouraging for me to see the work expand over the years into a diversity of sporting communities, with Sports Chaplaincy UK increasingly taking the initiative at many different levels. Having a sports chaplain is no longer just the preserve of elite football clubs! As more and more sports associations look to Sports Chaplaincy UK, and rely on its credibility, the Church needs to rise to the challenge to serve. Right now the opportunity exists to place chaplains in many more sports clubs. This is such an exciting prospect that I am calling on the Church to think about increasing its engagement with the sporting world. If God is calling you even to explore the possibility of service, I am urging you to be in touch with Sports Chaplaincy UK. I will continue to pray for the work of Sports Chaplaincy UK in the years ahead and assure them of my ongoing support.”

Dr John Sentamu
Former Archbishop of York

“Sport Chaplaincy UK is hugely appreciated within the world of sport for its excellent pastoral care, and training and developing the ministry of sport chaplains.”

Steve Clifford
Former General Director, Evangelical Alliance

“With around 500 chaplains providing pastoral and spiritual support in sports clubs around these family of Isles is amazing; I want to personally thank those who give sacrificially to support the ministry of Sports Chaplaincy UK. The opportunities for the church in sports ministry are amazing. There are millions who could be reached if we were willing to respond to the challenge. As Sports Chaplaincy UK celebrates 25 years this year, I pray that God will grow this wonderful gift to the body of Christ and that more Christians will ask God how they can better engage the sporting community. Sports Chaplaincy UK family, your best days are ahead of you!”

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