University Courses
For the last 10 years Professor Andrew Parker has been training students in sports chaplaincy from all around the globe.
In 2011, Andrew established the Master of Arts (MA) in Sports Chaplaincy at the University of Gloucestershire, UK as the first postgraduate qualification of its kind. Now located at St Padarn’s Institute, University of Cardiff, UK, the course has been developed into a Master of Theology (MTh) in Chaplaincy Studies with specialism in sports chaplaincy. Based around part-time, residential study, the course is designed for those with significant experience in the field who want to enhance their academic and theological understanding of the role of chaplaincy within wider sporting contexts.
In addition, Andrew works with Ridley Hall, a theological college based in Cambridge UK, on their Certificate in Higher Education (first year undergraduate) in Theology, Ministry and Mission. Andrew leads on the delivery of the Certificate for students engaged in and developing their ministry within the area of sports and wellbeing. Designed in partnership with The Church of England, this ecumenical, placement-based course provides a formal academic (block-week teaching) training route for all those working in the area of sports ministry and wellbeing (including sports chaplaincy) who would like to develop their practical understanding of the missional potential of sport. On successful completion of the course, students have the option to study for a further two years to gain an undergraduate degree in the subject area (see: Visit the Ridley Hall website).
For further information on these courses, please contact Andrew directly at: