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Provided by Rev John K Boyers, former Chaplain of Manchester United.

Sermon 1 – ‘Ministry beyond the Church’: Acts 13 verses 1 to 5‘
Sermon 2 – ‘Losing, Winning and Life’: Luke chapter 5 verses 1-11
Everyday Faith notes by Simon Burton-Ones, Bishop of Tonbridge



Prayer by His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos
Coptic Orthodox Archbishop of London

Heavenly Father,
We thank You for the gifts You constantly give us and first and foremost, the gift of Your Spirit within us that strives and yearns for fellowship.
We give thanks for all those who provide opportunities for our fellowship through the various sporting activities that are available, and that become, for so many, a source of support in their daily journey, knowing that they do not journey alone but amongst friends and companions.
We give thanks, at a time of great uncertainty through our Nations, that we are still able to gather across all lines and experience the fellowship that is provided through these various experiences and events.
We ask your blessings upon those who partake, that You may grant them the spirit of graciousness and sportsmanship, and that they may be reminded of the true and ultimate goal, of not only winning the game but of being in fellowship and journeying to Your Kingdom, and that in doing so they become a light and an example to all those witnessing their good works.

Prayer by Andy Frost, Director of Share Jesus International.

We thank you for the gift of sport, for the opportunity to celebrate the endless possibilities of being part of a wonderful and diverse community.
And we thank you that ultimately sports people or clubs are not defined by victories or failings on the pitch because you see each sportsperson beyond the outward appearance. You see beyond the football shirts and the boxing gloves and the rackets and the trainers.
Help us to remind this community that they are loved by you and that we are your children; may we demonstrate that in our words and actions.

Prompt us as your church to consider how we might get more involved in sport and share your love and compassion with this amazing community. Amen

Prayer for the Church
For our eyes to be opened to see the community of sport as God sees it.
For us as a church or individual christian to see how we can be salt and light to the community of sport in our words and deeds.
That our eyes might be opened to see what sports community exist in our own area and to just start to pray for that community.
That we would have compassion not just to pray during this crisis but beyond that.
Prayers provided by Tony Moodie, Discipleship Development Coordinator, Evangelism and Growth Team, Methodist Church GB

Prayers for Sports Chaplains
Sporting clubs will keep their chaplains in the loop when it comes to pastoral needs and crises
Chaplains will continue to find ways to stay engaged with their clubs though they can’t be physically present
Chaplains will have the sensitivity of the Spirit to know who to proactively contact and when
Chaplains will continue to have the support of their churches do engage with sport during this time
Prayers provided by Aileen Fleming, Scottish Prayer Leader

Pray for families engaged in sport
For the love of God to be seen in the small things we do to support those who are struggling at this time.
For all who grieve at present, with the unexpected loss of loved ones through the coronavirus.
For God’s power and love to strengthen all our chaplains as they work tirelessly to bring love, compassion,hope and a continued presence with the family of our sports clubs.
For an awareness of the poverty,hardship,stress,family breakdowns,addictions and a sense of loss and hopelessness that might be going on behind the scenes.

Prayer points contributed by Karen Lorimer; Chaplain to Swansea City Bravehearts

Pray for ourselves
For ourselves that we would be open to be challenged by God to our own prejudices towards the community of sport; that where we see it as an activity, see it as a community
Thanksgiving for the gift that prayer is for us to pray for the community of sport; that God would challenge us to be aware of what is going on in our own communities in terms of sports clubs.
Help us to have an awareness of the headline challenges affecting the community of sport and that we would have a heart to pray regularly for the community of sport during this pandemic.
As we look to the future, that the church would not seek to be competition with each other to serve but that we might be one Body of Christ, working together.

Prayers provided by James Lusted, Sports Chaplaincy UK Ambassador and broadcaster

Pray for wellbeing
Look after their mental and emotional wellbeing as well as retain their physical fitness levels
Reflect that they can only control the controllable and allow things to take their course
See light at the end of the tunnel, and see various achievable stage that they can go through to get back to playing as normal
Reflect that there are more important things in life than sport – and open up the spiritual, eternal realities so that they call their chaplains to ask spiritual questions.
Prayers provided by Mark Fleming, Sports Chaplaincy UK Scottish Director

Pray for the management of Sports Clubs

Pray for the OWNERS , CEO’S . CFO’S, CHAIRMEN and TEAM MANAGERS and COACHES of sporting clubs and communities – who are tasked with providing direction and support to the needs of the Players, staff, volunteers, supporters and themselves as administrators. May they seek God’s guidance in everything they do.

Pray for ATHLETES who give so much of themselves each week physically, mentally and emotionally. May they know the joy of holding their talent in conjunction with a bigger picture for their life

Pray for all the people that make up SPORTS CLUBS, ORGANIZATIONS and COMMUNITIES that they will continue to enjoy the benefits of sport, the camaraderie it invokes as well as the delight in winning and success. And may they know the Peace of God that surpasses all understanding

Pray for the CEO’S . CFO’S and COO’S of NATIONAL GOVERNING BODIES as they plan for the future to support the needs of their respective sports at Elite, Amateur and Grassroots level, that they will be encouraged by the responsibility they have and that you will give them YOUR clear vision of leading and serving in their sport

Prayers provided by Philip Mitchell, Sports Chaplaincy UK National Director for Northern Ireland.

Prayers for our young people
For all young people missing their team mates and the sport they are not able to play.
For young people whose sports community is their ‘life-line’ that they would be being supported by their coaches (community sports or club based) and teammates
For young people whose purpose and identity has been rocked and knocked and are uncertain over the future
For young people who are dealing with grief and fear in their households and families
That Christian young people are able to support and share God’s love to their team mates and they receive the support they need to do this.
Prayer points contributed by Richard Witham, National Sports Mission Leader, Scripture Union

All Age Worship

New all age worship provided by The Resources Cupboard.

All Age Worship Toolkit (PDF)

The following film clips can used in this All Age Worship

School Assembly

Ridley Hall have provided content for a Youth or School Assembly.

Get the Ridley Hall Assembly Pack (PDF)

In partnership with we have a special assembly written for those working in schools.

Get the School Assembly Pack (PDF)

Logo Download

Download NSS Logo Pack (ZIP)

Interactive Map

Our interactive map demonstrates the opportunities we have to reach and impact the sporting world. Find out about clubs and chaplains near you.

View our interactive map


Partners of National Sports Sunday

ridley-hall Ridley Hall
Sports Ministry training at Ridley Hall is part of a national initiative to promote sport and well-being as an effective vehicle for evangelism, ministry and ministry within the UK and beyond.
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sportily Sportily
Sportily has a vision for transforming the Church’s engagement with children, young people and their families through excellent local sport and spiritual well-being provision.
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ambassadors-v2 Ambassadors Football
Ambassadors Football’s vision is to serve the local church, inspiring and equipping it to build Christ-centred relationships through football. We provide resources to support your church to use football to share Jesus.
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spirit-in-sport Spirit In Sport
Spirit in Sport is a Christian charity based in Portsmouth working to engage the church with its local community through sport.
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church-support-hub Sport And Wellbeing - CoE
Commending, facilitating and enjoying sport, exercise and physical self-care is a positive, loving way for churches to make a difference in their communities, alongside all that we can offer for spiritual wellness too.
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salvation-army Salvation Army
Athlos is a sport and fitness discipleship resource created by The Salvation Army in The United Kingdom Territory with The Republic of Ireland. We’ve created something that enables people who have ordinary, everyday searching questions about life and faith to explore this through the avenue of sport and play.
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readysetgo ReadySetGo
Making disciples for Christ in all nations in the world of sport and play.
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great-comission Great Commission - Evangelical Alliance
Articles on Sports Ministry and engaging in the community of Sports from our friends at the Evangelical Alliance.
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