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We at Sports Chaplaincy UK (SCUK) take safeguarding very seriously and as such we acknowledge the duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk (also referred to as vulnerable adults).  We are committed to ensuring that the behaviours and safeguarding practice of those working in sports chaplaincy reflects statutory responsibilities and government guidance and complies with best practice guidance and the policy and procedural requirements of their respective sport’s national governing body. We are a wholly value-driven organisation.  We expect all of the chaplains working under the umbrella of Sports Chaplaincy UK to demonstrate respect for the worth in all people and to share our commitment, in all aspects of their lives, to protecting and championing the well-being of children, young people and adults both in wider society and in our sporting communities.

Sports Chaplaincy UK as an organisation believes that Chaplains who are working with children and young people, or who are in an environment where they may have occasional contact with children or adults at risk, should demonstrate the capacity to build and sustain professional boundaries and appropriate relationships with children, adults at risk, families, colleagues and other professionals. This is essential in order to promote a safer working environment which will safeguard both participants and those working with them.

The SCUK Safeguarding Policy, procedures and relevant contacts can be accessed by clicking on the links under the resources section of this page. In our tripartite agreement ‘Code of Practice‘, which is signed by all parties, the club/community served is requested to ensure that the relevant police checks (DBS, PVG etc) are made and that each chaplain attends sports related safeguarding training.

Sports Chaplaincy UK work with the national governing bodies of sport, clubs and fitness communities who should all have their own policies in place. Every club should have a safeguarding lead. Every NGB and local authority will have a safeguarding lead, as should every church and denomination. As indicated in the Safeguarding Sheet, we would encourage all chaplains to know who they are and have their contact details. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and whether a chaplain works directly or indirectly with vulnerable groups the club/community must ensure that the necessary policies and procedures are in place.

Sports Chaplaincy UK Safeguarding Team

mattBakerMatt Baker
SCUK Safeguarding Lead & National Director for England
Email Matt

gill-squareGill Camina
Independent Advisor
Email Jill

rebecca-squareRebecca Townsend
Trustee & Safeguarding Lead
Email Rebecca

If you have any concerns, please contact us via 0800 181 4051 or email If yours or anyone else’s life is in danger don’t hesitate to contact the police.



Safeguarding Contacts

CPSU: 0116 366 5590
NSPCC: 0808 800 5000
Ann Craft Trust: 0115 951 5400
SCUK Safeguarding Team

Important Documents

SCUK Safeguarding Policy
SCUK Safeguarding Sheet
SCUK Code of Practice

Further Resources

Independent Training is available through:
Ann Craft Trust
UK Coaching

Sport England
Sport Scotland
Sport Wales
Sport Northern Ireland
Sport Ireland


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