Become a Chaplain · An introduction

If you’re interested in becoming a chaplain please follow the process below:

  • Fill out an expression of interest form
  • Complete Induction Training (£45 online / £55 in person)
  • Be commended by SCUK
  • Sports chaplaincy now covers a variety of sports & types of chaplaincy across the UK so the appointment at a club or sport will vary. The appointment process in different situations will be explained on the induction day
  • Become a member of Sports Chaplaincy UK. We would generally expect a minimum donation of £7.50 (p/m) towards your membership. The membership enables you to access all the resources in the Chaplains Area and receive ongoing pastoral and admin support from Sports Chaplaincy UK.
  • Sports Chaplaincy UK is a member organisation of the Evangelical Alliance (EA) and is committed to the EA Basis of Faith

Below is a short video introduction from Warren Evans, CEO of Sports Chaplaincy UK.

Submit an Expression of Interest
Thank you for your interest in becoming a sports chaplain, please fill out the form below. Please be aware opportunities for chaplaincy vary across the UK.

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“Sports serve society by providing vivid examples of excellence”

– George F. Will