Induction Course · Sports Chaplaincy
In May 2012 Sports Chaplaincy UK launched an induction course. Why? The answer is simple, because we want to equip and enable sport chaplains to start and continue to serve sport through excellence in their chaplaincy.
“It is important that in this modern day of professional sport, that the chaplaincy we provide into it is excellent and consistent. As we are appointing chaplains across sports throughout the year, we felt it important to provide these new sports chaplains with a strong foundation for their ministry.”
An induction will generally consist of the following time table:
- The weird & wonderful world of Sport – Assessing the unique distinctive of the sporting industry
- The acceptance ladder – how to gain acceptance in a harsh sporting environment
- The where, what and how to – A practical guide to chaplaincy.
- Differing expressions – Workshop session assessing the variety of expressions of sports chaplaincy
- Top tips for effective sports chaplaincy – twenty five chaplains give their best advice
- Safe sports chaplaincy – expert advice on safeguarding issues
- What’s the point of Sports Chaplaincy UK? – Getting the best out of our organisation
Please get in touch or visit our events page to find out about upcoming induction courses.
“Sports has the power to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela