It was in June last year that Bert Cadmore relinquished his role as a Trustee after 16 years of faithful service. In 2006 the charity, then known as SCORE, was looking for chaplains’ representatives on the Board. Bert said he was willing to serve, “if no one else came forward”. The rest is history, with Bert hardly missing a single meeting over that time.
His quiet and unassuming but wise input has been significant in helping steer the charity through some challenging times during an era of significant growth. Using his connections, he played a key role in bringing about a resolution to the pensions legislation crisis that negatively affected many charities as well as SCUK, by organising a lobby of parliament.
He was also part of the group that took the charity from being an unincorporated body to a CIO, thus relieving personal liability on future Trustees. For a brief while he also took responsibility for line managing the work in Northern Ireland, including negotiating funding.
But more than anything else it has been his calm nature, deep faith, personal integrity, and Christian character that has been a blessing to the governance of SCUK for nearly two decades.
Not that Bert has finished with chaplaincy. Having spent several years at Norwich City, he remains active as chaplain at Gorleston FC. Among many other activities he is chaplain to the Gorleston & Yarmouth Lifeboat, and Norfolk County Council. You can also catch his programme on local community radio.
A large debt of gratitude is owed to Bert, and others, who have made a significant contribution behind the scenes at SCUK. So thank you Bert, and keep on “chaplaining”.