Jesus Christ is the High Priest who wants to redeem you!

Good morning!

You’ve done it; you’ve made it back – I don’t know about you but the first day can sometimes be the hardest, back to normality with a bang – for some it may be a relief to get back to normality 🙂

This week, during our time together, I am seeking to ask a number of challenging questions about the reality of the Christmas message; both in terms of our personal walk with God and then in the final two days around how we can live it this walk out.

Yesterday, we began a three part series on the gifts the Wise Men brought to Jesus. We have explored how gold was the gift for a King and is Jesus King of our lives.

Today, I want to explore the second gift which the Wise Men brought, the gift of Frankincense, a gift that you would bring to a priest.

The image of Jesus as a Priest is an interesting one and I have to confess this can be a struggle especially for many since we may not have a reference point.

But realising that Frankincense is a gift for a priest then we need to explore this.

In the Book of Hebrews, Jesus is called the great high priest because he is both divine and human, Jesus is the perfect mediator.

He is not only the perfect priest, holy and sinless, but the perfect sacrifice.

Hebrews 7:25 says “Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.”

Hebrews 9:1 says this; but he entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption.

And then finally, John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

As we continue in to this New Year, I want to encourage us to come to Jesus as our High Priest; whose desire is not to condemn but to redeem us because of his great loves for us. Our best days are ahead, no matter what.

I’m Warren Evans, CEO of Sports Chaplaincy UK. Have a blessed day.